
     The church is the sanctuary around which there was built the village, because after the people had built their cottages, they built their halidom where they were going to pray. These wooden churches are still found today in the villages of Closani embankment, being declared historical monuments. There is also such a church in Brebina village of Titerlesti parish.

    The church is a low ship shaped building, covered with shingled, having the look of a rustic house. In the front is a narrow porch supported by four wooden poles which were covered with tendril and plastered. Within the church porch are painted St. Apostle Peter and Paul, on both sides of the door and on the sides are painted St. Andrew and St. Tom. The little church contains the three usual rooms: narthex, nave and altar.

    On the wall between the nave and narthex, just above the door is written the inscription: With the help of God was built this holy and divine church, on stone foundation and was plastered and adorned with paint as seen through the labors and expenses of:  priest Iordache ereu, Ionita Piciu of Baea, and with the help of this slum rezidents with days of work and during the days  of High John, the ruler of the Moldovo-Roman United Principalities and with the blessing of Father bishop DD Niphon, which celebrates the patron St. Apostles Peter and Paul. The painting is smoked and it is made on a dark blue background. What impresses pleasantly are the imperial doors which are representing the Archangels Michael and Gabriel wearing a green robe and red cloak and Archangel Gabriel keeps in his hand a bouquet of roses. 

Above is a group of angels and the Holy Spirit as a dove surrounded by rays. These doors are a a true work of art being made in 1834 by Simon the Painter known painter of icons. The Holy Table is made of massive stone and on one leg, on the side towards the imperial doors, have carved a cross in relief. In this church are preserved only a few old books such as: the Missal, the Ceaslov, the Clock and the Octoih.





Photo by   Caludiu Netoiu